Friday, November 13, 2009

Pan fried clams with garlic and ginger

I was making this Canonese seafood dish, pan fried clams with garlic and ginger. In order to not end up having a big bowl of clam water, I put the clams in the boiled salt water first. As soon as the clams were cooked, I transferred them in a container and drained the water well, then stirred garlic, ginger, pepper and onion. I added the clam at the end and mixed with Shaoxing wine, chicken powder, and Laoganma chili oil source. Yum...:)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Avila Street Halloween

Here are pictures of Trick-or-treating at Avila Street on Saturday, the official Halloween night. Avila Street is just a few blocks from where we live. It is always a hot spot in the city for kids to get Trick-or-treating, but we saw the biggest crowd this year, perhaps because Halloween is right on a Saturday. The neighbors converted their garages into "ghost house" and set up candy tables outside of the house. Kids in costume were crazy about getting candies and lined up to ask for treats. Some home owners even built a mini ghost maze. Live "ghosts" hid at the corner and grabbed us surprisingly. It was quite fun to walk through those garages.

Do you notice something funny in the picture below?